Source code for DashAI.back.explainability.explainers.kernel_shap

from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import shap
from datasets import DatasetDict, concatenate_datasets

from DashAI.back.core.schema_fields import (
from DashAI.back.explainability.local_explainer import BaseLocalExplainer
from DashAI.back.models import BaseModel

class KernelShapSchema(BaseSchema):
    """Kernel SHAP is a model-agnostic explainability method for approximating SHAP
    values to explain the output of machine learning model by attributing contributions
    of each feature to the model's prediction.

    link: schema_field(
        enum_field(enum=["identity", "logit"]),
        description="Link function to connect the feature importance values to the "
        "model's outputs. Options are 'identity' to use identity function or 'logit' "
        "to use log-odds function.",
    )  # type: ignore

    fit_parameter_sample_background_data: schema_field(
        description="Parameter to fit the explainer. 'true' if the background "
        "data must be sampled, otherwise the entire train data set is used. "
        "Smaller datasets speed up the algorithm run time.",
    )  # type: ignore

    fit_parameter_n_background_samples: schema_field(
        description="Parameter to fit the explainer. If the parameter "
        "'sample_background_data' is 'true', the number of background "
        "data samples to be drawn.",
    )  # type: ignore

    fit_parameter_sampling_method: schema_field(
        enum_field(enum=["shuffle", "kmeans"]),
        description="Parameter to fit the explainer. If the parameter "
        "'sample_background_data' is 'true', whether to sample random "
        "samples with 'shuffle' option or summarize the data set with "
        "'kmeans' option. If 'categorical_features' is 'true', 'shuffle' "
        "options used by default.",
    )  # type: ignore

[docs]class KernelShap(BaseLocalExplainer): """Kernel SHAP is a model-agnostic explainability method for approximating SHAP values to explain the output of machine learning model by attributing contributions of each feature to the model's prediction. """ COMPATIBLE_COMPONENTS = ["TabularClassificationTask"] SCHEMA = KernelShapSchema
[docs] def __init__( self, model: BaseModel, link: str = "identity", ): """Initialize a new instance of a KernelShap explainer. Parameters ---------- model: BaseModel Model to be explained. link: str String indicating the link function to connect the feature importance values to the model's outputs. Options are 'identity' to use identity function or 'logit'to use log-odds function. """ super().__init__(model) = link
def _sample_background_data( self, background_data: np.array, n_background_samples: int, sampling_method: str = "shuffle", categorical_features: bool = False, ): """Method to sample the background dataset used to fit the explainer. Parameters ---------- background_data: np.array Data used to estimate feature attributions and establish a baseline for the calculation of SHAP values. n_background_samples: int Number of background data samples used to estimate of SHAP values. By default, the entire train dataset is used, but this option limits the samples to reduce run times. sampling_method: str Sampling method used to select the background samples. Options are 'shuffle' to select random samples or 'kmeans' to summarise the data set. 'kmeans' option can only be used if there are no categorical features. categorical_features: bool Bool indicating whether some features are categorical. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame with the background data used to fit the explainer. """ samplers = {"shuffle": shap.sample, "kmeans": shap.kmeans} if categorical_features: data = samplers["shuffle"](background_data, n_background_samples) else: data = samplers[sampling_method](background_data, n_background_samples) return data def fit( self, background_dataset: Tuple[DatasetDict, DatasetDict], sample_background_data: str = "false", n_background_samples: Union[int, None] = None, sampling_method: Union[str, None] = None, ): """Method to train the KernelShap explainer. Parameters ---------- background_data: Tuple[DatasetDict, DatasetDict] Tuple with (input_samples, targets). Input samples are used to estimate feature attributions and establish a baseline for the calculation of SHAP values. sample_background_data: bool True if the background data must be sampled. Smaller data sets speed up the algorithm run time. False by default. n_background_samples: int Number of background data samples used to estimate of SHAP values if ``sample_background_data=True``. sampling_method: str Sampling method used to select the background samples if ``sample_background_data=True``. Options are 'shuffle' to select random samples or 'kmeans' to summarise the data set. 'kmeans' option can only be used if there are no categorical features. Returns ------- KernelShap object """ sample_background_data = bool(sample_background_data) x, y = background_dataset background_data = x["train"].to_pandas() features = x["train"].features feature_names = list(features) categorical_features = False for feature in features: if features[feature]._type == "ClassLabel": categorical_features = True if sample_background_data: background_data = self._sample_background_data( background_data.to_numpy(), n_background_samples, sampling_method, categorical_features, ) # TODO: consider the case where the predictor is not a Sklearn model self.explainer = shap.KernelExplainer( model=self.model.predict, data=background_data, feature_names=feature_names,, ) # Metadata output_column = list(y["train"].features)[0] target_names = y["train"].features[output_column].names self.metadata = {"feature_names": feature_names, "target_names": target_names} return self def explain_instance( self, instances: DatasetDict, ): """Method for explaining the model prediciton of an instance using the Kernel Shap method. Parameters ---------- instances: DatasetDict Instances to be explained. Returns ------- dict dictionary with the shap values for each instance. """ splits = list(instances.keys()) X = instances[splits[0]] for split in splits[1:]: X = concatenate_datasets([X, instances[split]]) X = X.to_pandas() predictions = self.model.predict(x_pred=X) # TODO: evaluate args nsamples y l1_reg shap_values = self.explainer.shap_values(X=X) # shap_values has size (n_clases, n_instances, n_features) # Reorder shap values: (n_instances, n_clases, n_features) shap_values = np.array(shap_values).swapaxes(1, 0) explanation = { "metadata": self.metadata, "base_values": np.round(self.explainer.expected_value, 3).tolist(), } for i, (instance, prediction, contribution_values) in enumerate( zip(X.to_numpy(), predictions, shap_values) # noqa B905 ): explanation[i] = { "instance_values": instance.tolist(), "model_prediction": prediction.tolist(), "shap_values": np.round(contribution_values, 3).tolist(), } return explanation def _create_plot( self, data: pd.DataFrame, base_value: float, y_pred_pbb: float, y_pred_name: str ): """Helper method to create the explanation plot using plotly. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame dataframe containing the data to be plotted. base_value: float value to set where the bar base is drawn. y_pred_pbb: float predicted probability. y_pred_name name of the predicted class. Returns: JSON JSON containing the information of the explanation plot to be rendered. """ x = data["shap_values"].to_numpy() y = data["label"].to_numpy() measure = np.repeat("relative", len(y)) texts = data["shap_values"].to_numpy() fig = go.Figure( go.Waterfall( x=x, y=y, base=base_value, name="20", orientation="h", measure=measure, text=texts, textposition="auto", constraintext="inside", decreasing={"marker": {"color": "rgb(47,138,196)"}}, increasing={"marker": {"color": "rgb(231,63,116)"}}, ) ) fig.update_layout( margin={"pad": 20, "l": 100, "r": 130, "t": 60, "b": 10}, xaxis={ "tickangle": -90, "tickwidth": 100, "title_text": "", }, yaxis={"showgrid": True, "tickwidth": 150}, ) fig.update_xaxes( gridcolor="#1B2631", gridwidth=1, tickmode="array", nticks=2, tickvals=[base_value, y_pred_pbb], ticktext=[f"E[f(x)]={base_value}", f"f(x)={y_pred_pbb}"], tickangle=0, showgrid=True, ) plot_note = ( f"The predicted class was {y_pred_name} with probability f(x)={y_pred_pbb}." ) fig.add_annotation( align="center", arrowsize=0.3, arrowwidth=0.1, font={"size": 12}, showarrow=False, text=plot_note, xanchor="center", yanchor="bottom", xref="paper", yref="paper", y=-0.3, ) return def plot(self, explanation: List[dict]): """Method to create the explanation plot using plotly. Parameters ---------- explanation: dict dictionary with the explanation generated by the explainer. Returns: List[dict] list of JSONs containing the information of the explanation plot to be rendered. """ explanation = explanation.copy() max_features = 8 metadata = explanation.pop("metadata") base_values = explanation.pop("base_values") feature_names = metadata["feature_names"] target_names = metadata["target_names"] plots = [] for i in explanation: instance_values = explanation[i]["instance_values"] model_prediction = explanation[i]["model_prediction"] y_pred_class = np.argmax(model_prediction) y_pred_name = target_names[y_pred_class] y_pred_pbb = np.round(model_prediction[y_pred_class], 2) shap_values = explanation[i]["shap_values"][y_pred_class] data = pd.DataFrame( { "values": instance_values, "shap_values": shap_values, "features": feature_names, } ) data["shap_values_abs"] = np.abs(data["shap_values"]) data = data.sort_values(by="shap_values_abs", ascending=True) if len(data) > max_features: data_1 = data.iloc[-max_features:, :] data_2 = data.iloc[:-max_features, :] others = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data={ "values": [None], "shap_values": np.round(data_2["shap_values"].sum(), 3), "shap_values_abs": [None], "features": ["Others"], } ) data = pd.concat([others, data_1]) data["label"] = data["features"] + "=" + data["values"].map(str) base_value = base_values[y_pred_class] plot = self._create_plot(data, base_value, y_pred_pbb, y_pred_name) plots.append(plot) return plots