Upload a Dataset

This tutorial will guide you through the process of uploading a dataset to DashAI.

Supported Formats

DashAI supports various dataset formats:

  • CSV files (.csv)

  • Excel files (.xlsx, .xls)

  • JSON files (.json)

  • Image datasets (as .zip files)

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Access the Datasets Section

Navigate to upload section

Click on the “New Dataset” button in the navigation bar to access the dataset upload interface.

2. Select Dataloader

Select dataloader

Click on the corresponding dataloader for your dataset format, in this case CSV then click next.

3. Select Your File

Select dataset file

Click “Upload a File” and select your dataset file from your computer.

4. Configure Parameters

Configure dataset parameters

Set the appropriate parameters for your dataset:

  • For CSV files:
    • Name

    • Delimiter (comma, semicolon, etc.)

  • For JSON files:
    • Name

    • Data Key (Key where the data is located)

  • For Excel files:
    • Sheet name

    • Header (The row number where the column names are located)

    • Usecols (Columns to load)

5. Upload and Verify

Upload and verify dataset
  1. Click the “Save” button

  2. Wait for the upload to complete

  3. Check the summary to ensure correct loading

  4. Verify your dataset in the datasets list

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Ensure your file is in a supported format

  • Check file size limits (3GB for dataset)

  • Verify data integrity before upload

  • Ensure select the correct dataloader for your dataset format

  • Check the dataset summary for any errors